DINING (part 2)

Dim Sum
Dim sum (literally to "touch the heart") are specially Cantonese snacks chosen from steaming bamboo and include such tasty treats as shrimp dumplings, steamed barbecued pork buns and steamed pork dumplings which are paraded past on trolleys.

Hong Kong teahouse are a fun way to dine, with a wide range of affordable snack food such as noodles, cakes and desserts. Try yuen yeung, a 50-50 mixture of tea and coffee, a steaming hot sweet bun stuffed with melted butter, and a tasty egg custard tart. Freshly cooked sliced fish or sliced beef congee, a deep fried dough, wonton noodles and fish ball in noodle soup are equally affordable local favourites. Just remember, when playing the bill go to the front counter. Tipping is not required.

Hong Kong desserts will give your sweet tooth a real workout. Traditional desserts include sweet soups, steamed milk or sweet dumplings. Dessert outlets also offer fruit juices and fruit bassed desserts that are real thirst quenchers.

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