Hong Kong Walks, Exploring the City's Living Culture

An Ever-Changing Landscape
Wan Chai

Walking along Queen's Road East, you would never know that 100 years ago or so, you would be standing in wawter! Teh original Wan Chai waterfront ran along Queen;s road East, but now extends one kilometre beyong to the Golden Bauhinia statue! It's a 15 minute walk, yet spans six separate reclamataion projects encompassing more than 100 years of history. The original reclamation (1842-1890) provided a popular residential area; by the 1960s, further reclamation brought girlie bars and the world of Susie Wong to the district. The 1980s and 90s saw upscale buildings and landmarks including the Convention and Exhibition Centre (where the historic handover happened on 1 July 1997). A walk through Wan Chai with an eye for vestiges of the various reclamation projects is a straling experience and a reminder that Hong Kong is an ever changing landscape!